Food manufactures have something like nine thousand (9000) food additives at their fingertips. They are in all sorts of foods…. some of them are “natural” and some of them are “organic” too. These additives include dyes, leaveners, shelf stabilizers and nutrient boosters- among many other things. How else could those low fat, low sugar, low etc… items taste so good to us?
Food additives serve five main functions to make food more appealing and safe for consumers: 1. Give the food a smooth and consistent texture 2. Improve or preserve the nutrient value 3. Maintain the wholesomeness of foods (bacteria and other germs can lead to foodborne illnesses) 4. Control the acid-base balance of foods and provide leavening 5. Provide color and enhance flavor.
Many food sensitivities and associated symptoms are blamed on gluten or dairy when really the underlying issue is a food additive. Dietary and nutritional profiling is designed to uncover these culprits and eliminate them and their associate side effects. People with any allergies or food intolerances should always check the ingredient list (label) for their own protection. Reactions to any additive can be mild or severe (bloating, headache, skin rash-the list goes on).
The easiest way to avoid these additives? Eat whole, real food. Skip the processed items all together.
Considering dietary or nutritional profiling? Kimberly Young, M.S. is a practicing Nutritionist in Dallas, Texas. Learn about her integrative and functional approach to diet and nutrition at
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